About Us


The Brutten Family Foundation funds groups and organizations that help expand access to the outdoors, high-quality education, and vital mental health services. We believe that our wellbeing exists at the intersection of these core pillars.

The Brutten Family Foundation, founded by Patricia and Marc Brutten in 1996, is a private U.S. foundation with a nearly 25-year record of philanthropy focused on benefiting San Diego County and global charities. 

Through our family business, Brutten Global, we have spent more than 40 years in the commercial real estate industry, working in the United States and Europe. Brutten Global emerged and flourished in San Diego, and we began the foundation to give back to local organizations and schools. Our work has expanded to nurture both local and global efforts. Now, our children are also involved in giving back to our communities, and as a family, we share a sense of responsibility to positively change people’s outcomes and give individuals the tools they need to create their own impact.


Our Values

Get to Work

Change requires velocity, and we’re focused on proactive projects that have a defined goal and a way to achieve it. We support efforts with a clear sense of how they’ll create an impact, at a micro and macro level.


Open Doors

We support efforts that allow access to new possibilities for people and groups, but we know that open doors look different for everyone. We dedicate ourselves to transforming wellbeing through our core pillars, and our joy stems from helping nurture the communities that shaped us.


Pay It Foward

As a family, we feel a joint responsibility to use our resources to help make the world a better place. We aspire to help others have an equal and equitable opportunity to live longer, healthier lives and to protect our planet. 


Preserve Tomorrow

Our shared wellbeing relies on healing, protecting, and preserving the planet. We support projects so everyone has the chance and tools to build our future, and we create opportunities for others to be able to shape stronger and more supportive communities.